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VG Insights

Steam Pricing Tool

Designed for indie developers to help you make data informed pricing decisions. Apply the relevant filters to find out the recommended price ranges and the detailed data behind it.

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Filters – choose the game type you want to understand pricing on
Game mode
Publisher classification
Games selected: 10,000
Filters always applied: paid games with at least 1,000 units sold and released in the last 3 years. This is to compare the more relevant games and exclude very small hobby projects.

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Recommended Price RangeFind out what the right range of prices to consider is for your game.
High Quality $14 - $16 Mid Quality $8 - $10 Budget $2 - $4 Median price $10 Average price $10

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Price Distribution Find out how games similar to yours break down in terms of pricing. Where do you think your game should fit in?

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Price comparisonHow do games similar to yours compare to the overall game market?
Games like this are similarly priced to the overall average.

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Detailed overview of games selected and their prices This section will allow you to see specific pricing examples and understand if the price you’re considering is appropriate when looking at other games and how refined they are in comparison.
# Name Price VGI estimated revenue bucket Subgenres
1 Sea of Thieves $39.99 $1m+ Exploration, FPS
2 Abandon Ship $24.99 $200k-1m Exploration, Roguelike, Roguelite, Survival, Tactical
3 Horizon's Gate $19.99 $50-200k Exploration, Turn-Based, Turn-Based Strategy
4 Out of Reach: Treasure Royale $14.99 $50-200k Battle Royale, Exploration, FPS, Shooter, Survival, Tactical
5 Willy Morgan $19.99 $50-200k Exploration, Point & Click, Puzzle