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VG Insights

Video Game Insights Pricing

Subscribe to get access to all of our content, charts, filters, including large downloadable Excel datasets.

Please contact us at sales@vginsights.com for any sales enquiries.

How does charging work?

We charge your payment method through Stripe. Your first charge will happen immediately. As a VG Insights member, you are then automatically charged once a month / year on the date you signed up. You have the freedom to change your plan or cancel online at any time.

NOTE: * Depending on where you live, you may be charged taxes in addition to your subscription price.

Custom datasets

VG Insights provides customised datasets. We'll provide you with the data you need in the format you want.

Whether you are a small indie developer in need for specific data for your pitch or a large investor looking for a big database covering games at a granular level, we're able to help you.

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