More data! Including Month 1 and Year 1 sales
Feb 9, 2025We have added a couple of much requested features to the paltform recently:
Month 1 and Year 1 units sold on Games Database
We’ve added 2 new columns to the Games Database – Month 1 and Year 1 unit sales. This allows you to have quick like-for-like comparison for launch performances.
Not only that, you can use these together with our “wishlists at launch” metric to get a better understanding of the wishlist to launch conversion ratios for the games you care about.

Top charts now include Daily and Monthly Active Players
Top charts already had an option to see top CCU games. Our new DAU and MAU options add more colour to player engagement.

Steam page created dates
You will be now able to see when the actual Steam Store page was created for majority of games, including how long it took them to get from Store page creation to launch.
This is a super useful metric for understanding how to optimize the Steam page and how early other games release their Steam pages pre launch.

We’ll be bringing you more new features shortly! Stay tuned.