Wishlist estimates!
Mar 18, 2024We’re pushing a major new update to the platform – wishlist estimates.
All Indie and Business subscribers will now be able to see how many outstanding wishlists any game has.
This includes:
Track weekly wishlist change in the Top Charts:
You can now see the biggest wishlist gains in the Top Charts, just like you already do for units sold, CCU and other metrics.

See how many outstanding wishlists any game has
Outstanding wishlists now appear in the individual games pages AND historical trends (but only starting from March 6th 2024 right now).

What about accuracy?
We’ve tested our estimates, and for majority of games, the accuracy tends to be in the same +-15% margin of error that we also aim achieve for our other metrics.
We’ll be publishing public test results soon!
Meanwhile, we are collecting datapoints to continue testing and refining our estimates. If you see large discrepancies, please do reach out!